Piccolo™TMS320F28004x (F28004x) 是一个功能强大的 32 位浮点微控制器单元 (MCU),可让设计人员在单个器件上集成关键的控制外设、差分模拟和非易失性存储器。
TI’s new TDA2Ex System-on-Chip (SoC) is a highly optimized and scalable family of devices designed to meet the requirements of leading Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS
MSP-EXP430FR2433 LaunchPad™ 开发套件是基于 MSP430FR2433 超值系列传感微控制器 (MCU) 的易用型评估模块 (EVM)。它包含在超低功耗 MSP430FR2x 超值系列传感 MCU 平台上进行开发所需要的全部资源
TMDSSOLARUINVKIT is a DIMM100 controlCARD based motherboard evaluation module which uses Piccolo F28035. This development kit implements a complete grid-tied solar mi
The TMS320C6745/6747 device is a low-power digital signal processor based on a TMS320C674x DSP core. It consumes significantly lower power than other members of the TMS320C6000 platform of DSPs.
TMS320C6678 Lite 评估模块 (EVM) 是易于使用、经济高效的开发工具,可帮助开发人员迅速开始使用 C6678 或 C6674 或 C6672 多核 DSP 进行设计。EVM 包括单个板载 C6678 处理器和功能强大的连接选项,
The TMDSEVM5517is a general purpose evaluation module which includes all the hardware and software needed to evaluate the C5517 DSP. The C5517 DSP is a highly integrated solution offered in a simple package to reduce cost and development time.
The IWR1642 device is an integrated single-chip mmWave sensor based on FMCW radar technology capable of operation in the 76- to 81-GHz band with up to 4 GHz continuous chirp
The IWR1443 device is an integrated single-chip mmWave sensor based on FMCW radar technology capable of operation in the 76- to 81-GHz band with up to 4 GHz continuous chirp